As builders we are aware that stunning design is as important as construction and we strive to do both, contracting only the best tradesmen in both areas. We want our clients, be they residential or commercial, to reside or work in properties that were lovingly built by us with their needs in mind every step of the way.


Contact Info


347 Barking Road, London, United Kingdom, E13 8EE



Buildings Insurance

Protect your house againts losses - The buildings insurance coverings




The building insurance covers the structure and the permanent fixtures of your property. The property can be either a home or a commercial space. The structure includes elements such as walls, windows, roofs. The permanent fixtures and fittings are baths, toilets, kitchens, etc.

What damages are usually covered?

The insurance would cover damages such as fire, storms, floods, explosion lightning, earthquake, theft and vandalism. Check the policy documents to see the full cover and exclusions list.

How to claim your building insurance policy?

We can help you with your claim from start to finish, we work for you and not the insurance company. After assessing the insurance policy documents and the damages to the property a schedule of works is submitted to the insurance company. After a settlement is negotiated with the insurance company, we can carry building works to remedy the damages based on the works schedule.

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